So it's day one of Dear Jane Goes EPP and I didn't get the start I'd like. According to several people gluing the pieces was the key to doing the tiny shapes. So I ordered my glue pens and they are set to arrive tomorrow! So tonight I sorted through my fabric and paired some with the first 6 blocks.
Organized Chaos.... |
So since I don't have any blocks finished yet I'll share a little about my inspiration for this project, Effie. She was born in Kansas but grew up in southern Iowa. She was born in the late 1800's To a large family. She was the sister to my great grandfather. From what I've gathered from the post cards I've read of hers, she and her husband were neighbors and good friends who fell in love. They were married and then traveled across the country to homestead in Wyoming. They built a home and started their life together there. Unfortunately they were unable to have children. Effie gave birth to 5 or 6 babies all dying at birth or shortly after. I couldn't imagine. Then in 1923 at the age of 34 Effie died tragically in a car accident. She and her husband were traveling from Cheyenne Wyoming when a heavy storm covered the road with water causing their car to be swept away. Her husband survived but he was unable to save his wife. Her final resting place is in Iowa. A place where I've visited many times. She had to be a strong woman to survive not only the harsh Wyoming prairie but the loss of all of her children. I wish often that I could speak with her and ask her about her life. This is why I'm dedicating this to her because I want her story and legacy to live on through me.
This is Effie! |
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